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Community Radios

Community radio is one of the best means of communication to convey information to the public at large, as it is listened to even in remote locations and in local languages.

The network of regular radio stations and community radios in both Mali and Senegal is quite significant.

In Senegal, URAC (Union des Radios Associatives et Communautaires) federates associations and community radios It has elaborated a community radio charter. See list of community radios of Senegal.

According to URTEL (Union des Radios et Télévision libres du Mali) there are 168 radio stations in Mali, of which 121 are community and associative radios, 38 are commercial and 9 are confessional (figures from 2006). See list of independent radios in Mali (pdf file).

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There are several international structures working in the field of community radio.


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